Winston Blackmore (age 64) has 27 wives and 150 children| My father, his 27 wives, 150 children |world’s largest polygamist family goes viral

My father, his 27 wives, 150 children: Teen’s revelation on world’s largest polygamist family goes viral
27 wives, 150 children .. that too in the same house! 

My father, his 27 wives, 150 children: Teen’s revelation on world’s largest polygamist family goes viral

The 64 - year - old Canadian, who lives in a large family with 27 wives and 150 children, is currently being talked about on the Internet. People who live with their wives as rats and cats see this as a wonder of the world.

After marriage, one’s life changes completely. Husbands who change en masse as fulfilling the wife’s desire and pleasing them. If you ask many people about married life, the answer will come with boredom. But the story is different .. He is happy with 27 wives and this rare man lives in the same house. Is it amazing ..


Winston Blackmore (age 64) is a resident of Poundable, Brittany, Canada. He has 27 wives and 150 children. 

While no information about him has been released so far, it has sparked the mouths of many to post a video of his family on his son Tiktok.

Blackmore's son, Merlin, 19, who currently lives in the United States, has posted a video with interesting information about his family in Tiktok, along with photos. In it, we all live as a joint family. 

He has posted that we will call his moms ‘Mum’ and Dad’s other wives ‘Mother’.

He added, ‘Of the 27 women who were married to my father, only 4 were sisters and he was married to 3 sisters who were born in the same mother’s womb. We do not fight like other brothers and sisters. We are affectionate. Dad has 12 children in a single year. They all have names starting with the English letter ‘M’. On the day I was born, my dad had two more children. We will cultivate and harvest the vegetables we need.