
C Programming Language
  1. C 'Programming Language' is a computer language used in computers.
  2.  It was developed in 1970 by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie of the AT&T Lab in the United States. 
  3. Initially in the 1970s the C-language only worked on the Unix operating system. 
  4. It later became the most widely used programming language after being facilitated to run on other operating systems. 
  5. It is being used to create computer operating systems and other useful software as it is not a language suitable for beginners but runs very fast.
  6. Year of Appearance: 1999
  7. Development: Southern Irrigation & Bell Labs (creators); ANSI X3J11 (ANSI C); ISO / IEC JTC1 / SC22 / WG14 (ISO C)
  8. Normal mode: Static, weak, manifest, nominal
  9. Implications of this language: Numerous: AMPL, AWK, csh, C ++, C - (C--), C # (C #), Objective C, BitC, D, Go, Java, JavaScript ( JavaScript), Limbo, LPC, Pearl, PHP, Pike, Processing, Seed7
  10. Operating System: Cross-platform (multi-platform)
Early  development
  1. The early development of the C language took place between 1969 and 1973. 
  2. According to Dennis Ritchie, the most important development work took place in 1972 at the AT&T Bell Laboratory in the United States. Initially, the programming language B was developed following BCPL (Basic Combimed Programming Language). 
  3. They took the second letter C in the BCPL as the name of the language that followed. 
  4. They then added the plus sign ++ to the resulting 'C ++' programming language.

Try running the following program on Windows / DOS operating systems.

 #include <stdio.h>

 void main ()
         printf ("This is a C program \ n");
         printf ("Hello world \ n")


Hello world

C ++ Programming language
  1. C ++ is a common programming language with enhancements to C ++. 
  2. It was developed by Bjarne  Stroustrup.
  3. In 1979
  4. At Bell Laboratory
  5. It is an Extension to C Programming language.
  6. It has Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) feature.
  7. It is used to development of system software and application software, drivers, client server application and embedded firmware.


Hello world Program

# include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main ()
   cout << "Hello World!";
   return 0;

Hello World

Byrne, who worked at the Bell Labs in the United States, developed C with Classes in 1979 as a way to improve the composition of C. It was renamed C ++ in 1983 to refer to the ++ in the C language, the increment operator.

  1. Throughout the life of C ++, a set of rules that must be followed in its development and its evolution is being administered informally.
  2. It should be driven with real issues and its features and be immediately effective in real world projects.
  3. Its features should be as practical as possible.
  4. It should give programmers the freedom to create their own programming style, and that style should fully support C ++.
  5. Allowing a useful feature is more important than preventing every possible error of C ++.
  6. There should be no language below C ++.