Where is the happiness .. A lot of people get so confused when they find this .. But do you really know where the happiness is .. It is within you.

Is in your soul. .It is in your activities .. It is in your favorite things .. It is in the positive energy around you. You have to feel it .. you have to consume it .. you have to find it .. your happiness is the power that drives you .. if that power makes you happy then that is the real happiness.

Motivation is motivated by the actions, desires and needs of the people. This is the way one acts and the reason one repeats an action. Motivation is a combination of both emotional state factors and unconscious internal state factors.

This is considered to be one of the most important factors in motivating a person to move forward.  Doing sustained and systematic training with motivation is the center of high achievement (e.g. in the world of sports, medicine and music).  Motivation can also be considered as a structure used to describe a behavior. This is what causes a person to act in a certain way.

Motivation is the need for one to be satisfied. These needs may be caused by society, lifestyle, culture, etc., or may have arisen naturally. Motivation given to an individual may be caused by others, or by certain events. If so, it is Extrinsic Motivation.  Otherwise, one can get encouragement even from within. That is the inner motivation

Where is the real happiness
Happiness is our strength. We do not wander in search of it, it is within us. There is no happiness in a family full of children with a loving wife and supportive husband. We should not be jealous of others and enjoy what we have.

When you wake up in the morning, enjoy nature while having your favorite coffee or tea. Then do yoga and exercise. Love your partner. Let your face be radiant. Go to the office with a smile. Others who see you will get that joy too.

A man needs food, shelter and clothing. Be happy to keep what is available. Don’t always worry about thinking of anything. What you have available will definitely come to you. Spend time with your parents. Play with children. Help your spouse with household chores. Forget worries and dine with family. Discuss with the children.

Life is a once in a lifetime experience. Try to keep the mind happy in any difficult situation. Only then will even your enemy hesitate to oppose you. Always have joy and laughter in mind. Your happiness will keep your family and neighbors happy. Discuss with your positive friends.

Happiness is all we have. We need to realize that and make others happy. Dont Worry Be Happy.