COVID-19 UPDATED: 5870 People has confirmed corona in Tamil Nadu ... 61 killed

Corona kills 5870 more in Tamil Nadu ... 61 killed

Sep 05, 2020
Another 5,870 people in Tamil Nadu have been diagnosed with the corona virus and the number of victims is close to 4,58,000.

Today, 61 people have died. That brings the total death toll to 7,748.

Another 5,859 people recovered from the virus and returned home.

According to the health department, the number of people discharged is close to 4 lakh. In Chennai, 965 people have been diagnosed with the virus in a single day and in Coimbatore 545 people.

In Tamil Nadu today, 79,840 people have been tested for corona. So far, corona testing has been performed on 50,42,197 people.

In Tamil Nadu today alone, 5,870 people have been diagnosed with corona. That brings the total impact to 4,57,697.

5,859 people have returned home after recovering from corona damage. That brings the total number of returnees to 3,98,366.

Today 965 people in Chennai, 545 in Coimbatore and 434 in Cuddalore have been affected by the corona.