How to sleep better at night naturally| Benefits of good sleep

Good sleep directly maintains mental and physical health. Short sleep affects daytime energy, productivity, emotion, balance and weight.

Good sleep directly maintains mental and physical health. Short sleep affects daytime energy, productivity, emotion, balance and weight. 

Some tips to get good sleep

Keep regular sleep alert. Go to bed and try to wake up at the same time every day, avoid sleeping even on weekends, and if possible limit your sleep to 15 to 20 minutes, and fight dizziness after dinner with some activities.

Here are five tips you can getting a good sleep at night.
  1. Go to sleep the same time every night and it may improve your sleep at night.
  2. Sleep in the dark. Darkness is the best way to sleep well.
  3. Don’t drink before bed such as coffee, tea or soft drinks late in the day can cause a delay in getting to sleep.
  4. Avoid  sugary foods later in the evening 
  5. Many people find hear sound relax music, sleeping music and other nature sounds because it falls to good sleep. 

Health Benefits of good sleep

1.Sleep helps reduce stress

2. Sleep can improve your memory

3. Sleep can lower your blood pressure

4. Sleep helps your body to fight back

5. Sleep can help you maintain your weight

6. Sleep puts you in a better mood

7. Sleep could reduce your chances of diabetes

8. Sleep helps keep your heart healthy

9. Sleep can be a painkiller

10. Sleep can make you smarter


Control light exposure. The hormone ‘melatonin’ is regulated by light exposure which helps regulate the sleep awakening cycle. When there is darkness the brain secretes it. Expose yourself more to sunlight during the day, expose yourself to brighter sunlight in the early morning, spend more time outdoors during the day, avoid natural light at home or at work as much as possible, and avoid bright screens within 1 at night. 2 hours of bedtime, tell them not to turn on the TV at night, do not read with back-up devices, make sure the room is dark when it comes time to sleep, and put down the lights if you wake up at night.

Be wise about eating habits, control caffeine and nicotine, avoid large meals at night, avoid alcohol before bed, avoid drinking too much fluids in the evening, and reduce sugary foods and refined carbs.

Improve the sleeping environment, keep the noise down, keep the room cool, make sure the bed is comfortable, and set the bed to sleep

Do You have any other sleep tips in your mind? 

Please put your tips in the comment box. 

#Sleep well