PSLV C-49 successfully launched into space

The PSLV C-49 rocket successfully launched 10 satellites into orbit, including EOS-1.

Nov 07, 2020

The rocket took off from the Satish Dhawan space launch pad in Sriharikota at 3 hours and 12 minutes, 3 minutes and 12 minutes late, as planned.

At each stage as planned, the scientists clapped and cheered as the rocket passed. PSLV first launched the Earth Exploration Satellite, also known as EOS-1, into orbit. Similarly 9 other satellites were successfully launched into orbit.

The EOS-1 satellite is capable of providing high-resolution images and information needed for agriculture, afforestation, and disaster management. The satellite is capable of capturing three-dimensional precision imaging of land systems in any climate.

Along with this satellite, the PSLV C-49 rocket has launched 4 satellites from the United States, 4 satellites from the European country of Luxembourg, and 9 more satellites from abroad, including one satellite from Lithuania.

ISRO chief Shivan was happy that the 51st successful voyage of the PSLV rocket was significant.