Pizza is the most searched and ordered food in the world by 2020

Pizza is the most searched and ordered food in the world by 2020. Each country have changed the taste of pizza from country to country. #Pizza 2020.
Pizza is the most searched and ordered food in the world by 2020


  • Pizza is the most searched foods in the world.
  • pizza will be the most ordered food in the world.
  • Each country have changed the taste of pizza from country to country.
  • Chinese food is the second most searched food on the list.

A recent study by the British insurance company Moneybeach has revealed that by 2020, pizza will be the most ordered food in the world

People in many countries including India, Argentina, Egypt, France, Finland, Morocco, Spain, Germany, South Korea, have bought more pizza

With Italian food pizza currently spreading around the world, there are more pizza lovers in countries including the United States, China, Australia, New Zealand, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Chile, Bolivia, Nigeria, and Ghana.

According to a research conducted by Google on the results of the year 2020, Money Research has selected the most searched foods in the world. Of these, 44 dishes are listed. 

Pizza is the number one search engine in the world. Although pizza is considered Italian food, people in each country have changed the taste of pizza from country to country according to their taste. 

Even international pizza restaurants around the world make pizzas with different flavors from country to country.

Chinese food is the second most sought after food on the list. Chinese food is widely consumed in 29 countries around the world. 

Third on the list is Japanese sushi, which is eaten in Brazil, Japan, Mozambique, Sweden, Vietnam, Ukraine and Romania. The list includes British Staple Fish, Fried Chicken, Indian Cuisine, Korean Cuisine, Thai Cuisine, Tabas Cuisine, and Mexican Cuisine.