Privacy Policy Changes Apply to Business Accounts Only - WhatsApp

WhatsApp does not view the location details shared by the users and the contact list details are not shared with any other app including Facebook.
Privacy Policy Changes Apply to Business Accounts Only - WhatsApp Company Description

The company explains that users will not be able to see or hear calls sent by users to friends, family and colleagues on the WhatsApp.

The company has modified the privacy policy of the WhatsApp processor used by millions in India.

These changes take effect on February 8. Doubts and dissatisfaction with these changes have led many to switch to processors, including signal and telegram.

In this case, the company said that the privacy policy changes will only apply to business WhatsApp accounts. Otherwise, the privacy of messages sent to friends and family will not be affected in any way.

Commenting on the rumors, WhatsApp said it would continue to provide encryption for private messages and group chats.

It has been explained that WhatsApp will not be able to view users' private messages or hear calls due to encryption, and similarly Facebook will not be able to read messages or make calls.

WhatsApp says mobile service providers are doing the job, as storing the communications details of 200 million users is detrimental to privacy and security.

It has been explained that WhatsApp does not view the location details shared by the users and the contact list details are not shared with any other processor including Facebook.