Does steaming destroy the coronavirus?

Will steaming destroy the coronavirus? People in the early stages of infection are more likely to get rid of the infection.

Will steaming destroy the coronavirus? Nellai Government Siddha Dr Manakshasha has explained about it.

Does steaming destroy the coronavirus?

Corona 2nd wave is spreading fast in Tamil Nadu. In this context, Nellai Government Siddha Medical College lecturer Dr Manakusha has answered various questions about the coronavirus. The details are as follows: -

Question 1: What are the ways to prevent coronavirus infection?


  • The public must wear a face mask/shield when going out. 
  • The social gap should be followed. 
  • That is the best way to prevent the spread of this infection. 
  • The human body is naturally less immune during the summer months. In those times such infections are more likely to spread easily. 

Therefore, we can protect ourselves from this infection if we consume foods that increase immunity. Immunity comes automatically when the body is hydrated. It is also mandatory to include cloves, cinnamon and lobster in the daily diet.

Question 2: What foods can be consumed to prevent infection?


  • Boil one chicken egg daily. 
  • You can eat all kinds of greens. 
  • These are all foods that can give our body immunity. 
  • You can also mix pepper and turmeric in a tumbler of milk and drink it. 
  • Beetroot can be mixed with honey and eaten. 
  • Gooseberries mixed with honey can be consumed. 
  • To drink boiled water daily.
  • To steam once a week.

Question 3: What foods should infected people consume?

Answer: Usually people with the disease should first consult a doctor and choose their diet. Infected people can consume steamed peanuts, alfalfa and peanuts.

Question 4: Will steaming in public affect others?

Answer: Definitely catching steam in public places can cause harm to others. There is no alternative. There is a risk that the virus will spread to others through the air that a person inhales when they catch steam in public. Therefore, definitely do not catch steam in public places.

Question 5: Does steaming destroy the coronavirus?

Answer: We cannot say for sure that the virus will be completely eradicated by steam trapping. However, nasal congestion and runny nose are more likely to be cured by steam trapping. People in the early stages of infection are more likely to get rid of the infection as they catch steam. One person should not immediately use another person's steamer or blanket.

Use it again only after it has been cleaned. Especially people with asthma should definitely not catch steam. When catching steam, it is better to add turmeric, noci leaves and basil.

Question 6: Will drinking kabasura drinking water control the infection?

Answer: It is not entirely possible to control the infection by drinking kabasura drinking water. However, those who drank Kabasura drinking water on a daily basis were less likely to be infected. For non-infected people, it is sufficient to drink Kapsura drinking water once a week.

Question 7: Who is most affected by the coronavirus?

Answer: This viral infection usually affects everyone from young to old. People with low immunity are more likely to be attacked.

Question 8: What about the corona vaccine?

Answer: All members of the public must be vaccinated.

Thus he said.

Note: The information contained in these topics is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is provided for educational purposes onlyYou assume full responsibility for how you choose to use this information.

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