Kitten Born With 4 ears | Midas

Kitten Born with 4 ears | Midas Kitten was born on july 14 in Turkey. Kitten born with 4 ears video watch here.

Midas Kitten Born With 4 Ears!! Trending on Social Media

New Delhi: Many things in this world are so rare that we are amazed when we see them. We are here to see about such a unique kitten. This kitten is becoming very trendy on social media.

Yes, this cute kitten was born with four (Animal Video) ears. Pictures of this amazing kitten have gone viral on social media. Its owner has posted pictures of a kitten born with four ears due to a genetic mutation on social media.

Kitten born with 4 ears video watch here

The kitten was born on July 14 in Turkey. Four months after birth, the kitten was named Midas by its owner. About 102K people have started a separate Instagram account for this kitten which is currently the most trending.

This kitten is genetically modified and has two extra ears. In addition, the kitten belly has white hair in a heart-like shape. It has captivated the audience immensely.

Midas is a playful, mischievous kitten, says its owner, Canis. Also, Midas says he sleeps all day and stays awake all night. He said the Midas kitten prefers to sleep on his owner's lap.