How To Get Sleep Soon At Night?

Technique to sleep soon Apply coconut oil on the soles of the feet and massage for a few minutes with a small bronze bowl.

Is there a simple way? Massage can be done at home for deep sleep

Technique to sleep soon Apply coconut oil on the soles of the feet and massage for a few minutes with a small bronze bowl.

Physical health definitely requires good sleep at night. But a lot of people have been sharing about the restless nights with bad sleep since the beginning of Kovit. If you also have trouble falling asleep and have already tried and failed various methods without any success, this ancient Ayurvedic technique recommended by Rekha Divekar will help you.

According to Divakar, an alloy of cannabis or copper, tin and zinc or bronze can restore a person's sleep.

Massaging the middle part of the foot with beef ghee or coconut oil in a bronze bowl will improve blood circulation and stimulate sobriety. This, in turn, helps one to fall asleep faster and deeper.

How to do it?

Before going to bed, apply country marinade ghee/coconut oil on the soles of the feet and massage with a small bronze bowl for a few minutes.

How To Get Sleep Soon At Night?

“According to Ayurveda, if you sleep well, you have the opportunity to repair or build cells in the body. It also helps in strengthening the immune system, ”Dwivedi suggested.

Why does this technique benefit the body?

* This process increases blood flow. Therefore, improves muscle strength in the joints.

* Relaxes tired eyes.

* Leads to better sleep. "Especially if you can't get up at 4 or 4.30 in the morning and go back to sleep, this procedure will help you," he said.


I hope this technique will work for you. If you have any tips to get deep sleep soon at night, share your thoughts in the comment section.