Flying Deer Video [Watch Here] Shared by WildLense Eco Foundation

Flying Deer Video [Watch Here] Shared by WildLense Eco Foundation

Viral Flying Deer Video Shared by WildLense Eco Foundation on Twitter

Flying Deer Video [Watch Here] Shared by WildLense Eco Foundation
Image Credit: Twitter & IndiaToday

It was first shared by WildLense Eco Foundation on Twitter Social Media and later Indian Forest Service Officer Parveen Kaswan retweeted it.

Flying Deer Video [Watch Here]📹 from Twitter

In this video released by the WildLense Eco Foundation, a deer running from the shores of Kamma flew past a road instead of crossing it. 

At lightning speed the deer flew to a man's height and plunged into the forest on the next side.

It's fun to watch this video on Twitter, in fact anyone who has actually seen it will never forget such an event in their lifetime.

Many people who have watched this video like us have been posting their comments under this video.