How to sleep well at night?

A good night’s sleep is very important to regulate our bodily functions. There are a lot of hormones, including stress-regulating hormones, that are maintained when we sleep. 

Although stress is an important barrier, our lifestyle choices also affect our sleep cycle. Here are some tips to help you deal with sleep problems.

1. Maintain good sleep hygiene

A good sleep hygiene condition should be followed to avoid most sleep related problems. That means maintaining a consistent bed time, eating dinner on time and going to bed at the right time every day without going to bed too late will give you good sleep.

2. Reduce caffeine intake

You may think that nothing other than a hot cup of coffee will keep you refreshed, but keep in mind that caffeine can negatively affect the quality of your sleep. It increases the production of adrenaline and affects the sleep-inducing functions of the brain. So avoid coffee at bedtime.

3. Reduce screen time

From children to adults, most of us spend a lot of time looking at mobile phones or laptop screens during the day, as well as delaying sleep because we use the same thing too much at night. So avoid the use of electronic devices with screens at night.

4. Maintain a proper meal time

There should be a two-hour interval between meals and bedtime for better digestion. You should not go to bed immediately after dinner.

5. Exercise regularly

Exercise not only makes you tired, but also helps to restore the sleep cycle by raising the body temperature slightly.

More about: How to good sleep at night naturally| Benefits of Sleep

Improve the sleeping environment, keep the noise down, keep the room cool, make sure the bed is comfortable, and set the bed to sleep

Do You have any other sleep tips in your mind? 

Please put your tips in the comment box. 

#Sleep well